Monday, 7 July 2008

Netbeans 6.1 Rest JSR-311 RI library problem

Found a minor problem with Netbeans 6.1 and Rest (Jersey RI) today, thought I'd capture the problem and solution.

Can't launch a Rest application using Jersey (JSR-311 RI) libraries - error given is:

HTTP status 500


javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory.getJspApplicationContext(Ljavax/servlet/ServletContext;)Ljavax/servlet/jsp/JspApplicationContext;

Because the Jersey (JSR-311 RI) libraries include jsp 2.0 jsp-api-2.0-20040521.jar from Netbeans6.1\enterprise5\modules\ext\rest\ which is an older version of the JSP API.

Fix, copy a newer jsp in or remove the entry from the library definition and add a newer jsp library in.

Example Solution:

Go to tools\libraries
Select the Jersey libary
In the Library classpath, remove the offending jsp-api-2.0-20040521.jar
Now add the newer JSP libary, e.g. Netbeans 6.1 ships with servlet2.5-jsp2.1-api.jar one level up in the Netbeans6.1\enterprise5\modules\ext\ directory.
Remove the Jersey libraries from your project (if already added).
Re-add the Jersey libraries to your project and recompile - problem solved.

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